Tash-Kalar Card Reference


Antimatter Spiritcommon

Place a common piece of your color on an empty colorless square. It does a combat move. Place a common piece of another color on the same empty square. It does a combat move in the opposite direction. This is a linked effect.


If you have a pending being, copy its warp effect.

Lesser Shadow Twincommon

Upgrade 1 of your common pieces.

If Greater Shadow Twin is in your discard pile, choose one of your pieces and destroy up to 2 common pieces adjacent to it.

Paradox Wormcommon

Upgrade 1 enemy common piece. You may then discard your pending being.

You may swap one of your non-legendary pieces with an enemy piece of the same rank.


Gain an action.

You may swap up to 2 of your heroic pieces with your common pieces.

Dark Sphereheroic

Choose up to 3 non-legendary pieces, at most 2 of one color. With each, do a combat move. Each move must end at distance 2 from the Dark Sphere.

Eternal Emperorheroic

Either place a common piece of your color on an empty square, or move 1 of your piecesβ€”combat move if common, standard move if upgraded.

If you have not played Eternal Emperor's warp effect this turn, you may perform it now as a normal effect.

Gate of Oblivionheroic

For the rest of this turn, when you destroy a piece count it as though you also destroyed an additional piece of the same color and rank.

Destroy any piece on the centrally marked square. On another marked square, you may destroy a non-legendary piece.

Greater Shadow Twinheroic

Upgrade 1 of your common pieces.

If Lesser Shadow Twin is in your discard pile, you may destroy one heroic piece adjacent to at least two of your pieces.

Iris of Eternityheroic

You may either destroy an adjacent legendary piece or upgrade the Iris. If the Iris becomes legendary, count it as a legend summoned this turn and discard all your legendary cards.

Merchant of Timeheroic

Take a piece from a colorless square and put it on this card. This card cannot be copied. If pending, it cannot be discarded or returned to hand.

If there is a piece on this card, do a standard leap with that piece to any colorless square on the board.

Polarity Queenheroic

Place a common piece of your color on an empty square adjacent to an enemy piece.

Choose 2 of your non-legendary pieces other than the Queen. Do 1 combat move with each of them in opposite directions. This is a linked effect.

Reality Patchheroic

In each enemy color, you may destory 1 heroic piece. You may discard your pending being. You may discard one card of any type from your hand.


Choose an empty colorless square. All common pieces adjacent to that square must do a combat move onto it in the order of your choosing.

Time Travelerheroic

Time Traveler's summoning square can be any colorless empty square. You may destroy an adjacent common piece. If you do, put the top card of your discard pile on top of your deck.

Void Summonerheroic

Do a standard move with one of your non-legendary pieces

For your next summoning this turn, you may count up to two empty squares as common pieces of your color.


You may either return your pending being to your hand or do a standard move with the Warpmaster.

Ziggurat Sentinelheroic

Do 1 combat move or 2 standard moves with one of your non-legendary pieces.

You may either copy a warp effect on a card in your discard pile, or do up to 3 combat moves with Ziggurat Sentinel in the marked direction.


Crystal Growercommon

Upgrade 1 common piece of each enemy color.


Upgrade a common piece of your color.

Crystal Mirrorcommon

You may choose 1 heroic or 2 common pieces on the yellow-marked squares: For each, place one of your pieces with the same rank on the mirror-image square, if it is empty.

Ice Princesscommon

You may do 1 combat move with one of your common pieces other than the Ice Princess.


Do 1 standard move with one of your common pieces.

Royal Reindeercommon

The Royal Reindeer may do a combat leap to a distance of exactly 2. If neither the summoning nor the leap destorys a pieces, upgrade the Royal Reindeer.

Snow Foxcommon

The Show Fox may do up to 2 standard moves.


You may destroy an adjacent piece; if heroic, it must be adjacent to at least one other piece of yours; if legendary, 3 other pieces of yours. Count it as two destroyed pieces. Remove it from the game.

Everfrost Sentinelheroic

If summoning the Everfrost Sentinel destroyed an enemy piece, you may downgrade the Everfrost Sentinel. If you do, each other player or team has 1 less action on their next turn.

Frost Impheroic

You may choose an adjacent common piece and a direction: That piece does as many standard moves as it can in that direction.

Frostweave Illusionistheroic

Convert the Frostweave Illusionist to a common piece of an enemy color.


Convert any common enemy piece to your common piece.

Frostweave Summonerheroic

Use just before summoning a being. For the pattern of that being, you may use one enemy piece as though it were yours.

Frozen Chestheroic

You may take one frozen effect from your discard pile and put it directly into play. (The limit of 1 frozen effect in play still applies.)

Glacier Giantheroic

The Glacier Giant may do any number of combat moves in one of the indicated directions. If it moves, it may continue 1 more square to destroy a legendary piece, but this also destroys the Glacier Giant.

Ice Queenheroic

You may do 1 combat move with one of your heroic pieces other than the Ice Queen.


Do 1 standard move with one of your heroic pieces.

Ice Wyvernheroic

The Ice Wyvern may do a combat leap to anywhere on the board. If the leap destroys a piece, destroy the Ice Wyvern.


Place a common piece of your color on an empty square adjacent to one of your heroic pieces.

Polar Bearheroic

The Polar Bear may do a combat move. If that move destroys a piece, it may do a standard move. If that destroys a piece, it may do a move onto an empty square.

Snow Monsterheroic

Destroy each common enemy piece that is within distance 2 of the Snow monster and adjacent to at least one of your pieces.

War Sledheroic

The War Sled may do up to 3 combat moves, the first in one of the indicated directions and each subsequent move in a direction that differs by no more than 45 degrees from the previous move.

Winter Whispererheroic

You may destroy one of your common pieces. You may discard 1 flare. If you do both, gain an action.


Clan Axemancommon

You may destroy 1 non-legendary piece on an orthogonally adjacent square.

Clan Healercommon

You may place up to 2 common pieces of your color. Each must be placed on an empty square adjacent to a green square.

Dire Wolfcommon

The Dire Wolf may do up to 2 combat moves.

Ritual Keepercommon

If the Ritual Keeper was summoned on a green square, upgrade 1 of your common pieces; if on a red square, you may do 1 combat move with 1 of your pieces.

Wild Eaglecommon

The Wild Eagle may do a combat leap to any square on the board.

Blood Shamanheroic

Destroy 1 non-legendary piece. If it was on a red square, destroy all common pieces adjacent to the red square.

Clan Guardianheroic

You may upgrade 1 common piece used to summon the Clan Guardian.

Eagle Lordheroic

The Eagle Lord may do a combat leap to any square on the board.

Hill Giantheroic

Destory all non-legendary pieces on orthogonally adjacent squares.

Hungry Bearheroic

The Hungry Bear may do up to 2 standard moves. If it moves onto an empty square, it stops moving.

Legend Slayerheroic

You may destroy 1 legendary or up to 2 non-legendary pieces on diagonally adjacent squares.

Mountain Trollheroic

Destory all common enemy pieces on adjacent squares. If you destory at least 2 this way, gain an action.

Ritual Masterheroic

If the Ritual Master was summoned on a green square, gain 2 actions; if on a red square, you may destroy 1 heroic and/or 1 common piece anywhere on the board.

War Drummerheroic

Do either 1 combat move or up to 2 standard moves, using your pieces other than the War Drummer.

War Summonerheroic

Gain an action. For the pattern of the next being you summon this turn, you may use one enemy piece as though it were yours.


Do up to 3 combat moves, using your pieces. If you do all 3, at least one has to be with the Warlord.


If the Werewolf was summoned on a non-central red or green square, it may do up to 3 combat moves. Otherwise it may do 1 standard move.

Wolf Riderheroic

The Wolf Rider may do up to 2 combat moves.


Demon of Gluttonycommon

The Demon of Gluttony may do a combat move. If this destroys a piece, upgrade the Demon of Gluttony and it may do another combat move. If this destroys another piece, the Demon of Gluttony becomes the Gateway.

Demon of Pridecommon

Upgrade the Demon of Pride. It becomes the Gateway. It may do 1 combat move.

Flame Impcommon

You may destroy a common piece adjacent to the Gateway.

Gate Keepercommon

You may upgrade any one piece of your common pieces or place a common piece of your color on an empty square. In either case, that piece becomes the Gateway.

Shadow Impcommon

The Shadow Imp may do 1 combat move. If it does and if it is not the Gateway, then the Gateway may do 1 combat move in the same direction.

Acolyte of Destructionheroic

Destroy a common piece. If the Gateway is on a red square, you may also destroy a heroic piece adjacent to the destroyed piece's square.

Acolyte of Growthheroic

Place a common piece of your color on an empty square. If the Gateway is on a green square, place a heroic piece of your color on an empty square adjacent to that new common piece.

Demon of Envyheroic

Place a common piece of your color on an empty square adjacent to the Gateway. Then repeat this until there is no such empty square or until no opponent has more pieces than you do.

Demon of Greedheroic

Destroy one of your common and one of your heroic non-Gateway pieces. For each destroyed piece, gain an action.

Demon of Lustheroic

Choose up to 2 pieces (not necessarily yours). With each, do 1 combat move towards the Gateway. These moves must not destroy the Gateway.

Demon of Slothheroic

Spend an action doing nothing. If you cannot, destroy the Gateway instead.

Demon of Wrathheroic

Destroy all enemy common pieces adjacent to the Gateway. If there are none, the Gateway may do a standard move first.

Gate Masterheroic

Upgrade the Gateway. Then choose 1 of your non-legendary pieces to become the Gateway. If upgrading created a legendary piece, then Gate Master's summoning counts as summoning a legend on Gate Master's square.

Hell Houndheroic

You may destroy an adjacent piece. If you destroy no legendary piece and if your deck is not out of cards, put this card on the bottom of your deck.

Hell Riderheroic

If the Hell Rider is the Gateway, it may do 1 combat move. Otherwise, it may do up to 3 combat moves.

Possessed Summonerheroic

Place a common enemy piece on an empty square adjacent to a piece of the same color. For your next summoning this turn, use pieces of that color instead of your own. You may discard your flare to gain an action.

Power Seekerheroic

If the Power Seeker is the Gateway, it may do 1 standard move. Otherwise, it may do any number of combat moves toward the Gateway.


You may do 1 combat move with the Gateway. Whether you do or not, you may then do 1 combat move with one of your pieces adjacent to the Gateway.



If summoning the Bomb is your last action this turn, nothing happens; otherwise, destroy the Bomb and all common pieces adjacent to it.


Upgrade 1 of your common pieces other than the Chronicler. Then that piece may do a standard move.


Do up to 2 moves, using your pieces. These moves can only be onto empty squares.


You may choose 1 of your non-legendary pieces and a direction: That piece may do any number of standard moves in that direction.


You may destroy one common enemy piece on a diagonally adjacent square. If you do, upgrade the Swordmaster.


Destroy any piece on the marked square. If the square was empty, the Assassin may move onto it.


You may chose 1 of the indicated directions: Destroy all common pieces in that direction.

Cavalry Captainheroic

You may choose 1 of your pieces other than the Cavalry Captain: You may do up to 1 combat move and up to 2 standard moves with it (in any order).


You may destroy 1 adjacent enemy piece. If that piece was legendary, you also destroy the Champion and gain an action.

Gryphon Riderheroic

The Gryphon Rider may do a combat leap. If she does, you may then downgrade her and place 1 common piece of your color on an empty adjacent square.

Gun Towerheroic

You may choose 1 of the indicated directions: Destroy the first 2 pieces in that direction. A legendary piece cannot be destroyed and stops the shot.

High Priestessheroic

The High Priestess may do 1 standard move. Whether she moves or not, you may then upgrade 1 common piece adjacent to her.


You may choose up to 3 common or up to 2 heroic pieces in one enemy color: Do 1 combat move with each.

Infantry Captainheroic

Do up to 2 combat moves, using your pieces other than the Infantry Captain.


The Knight may do up to 3 combat moves. You cannot destroy common pieces with these moves.

Master of Intrigueheroic

Do up to 3 moves: standard moves with the Master of Intrigue and/or combat moves using non-legendary pieces that were used to summon him.


You may place up to 2 common pieces of your color on empty marked squares.

Time Mageheroic

Gain an action. If there is an enemy pieceo n the marked square, destroy it.


Charging Buckcommon

The Charging Buck may do up to 2 combat leaps, each of distance exactly 2.

Forest Wardenscommon

Destroy 1 common piece of an opponent with more common pieces than you. Destroy 1 heroic piece of an opponent with more upgraded pieces than you.

Kiskin Farseederscommon

You may place 1 common piece of your color on an empty square adjacent to one of your pieces


You may choose up to 2 of your pieces adjacent to the Naiad and do 1 standard move with each.


Upgrade the Sapling after summoning it.

Centaur Chieftainheroic

The Centaur Chieftain may do 1 combat move. If he does, you may do up to 3 combat moves in the same direction, using other pieces of yours.

Centaur Spearmanheroic

The Centaur Spearman may do 1 combat move. If he does, destroy the next piece in the same direction, unless it is legendary.


On one of the adjacent squares, you may convert 1 non-legendary enemy piece to your common piece.

Forest Ancientheroic

Place 2 enemy common pieces on the empty square up to distance 2. Then destroy 2 common pieces of the same color or colors up to distance 3.

Forest Mysticheroic

At the end of this turn, draw 1 extra card from your deck and 1 extra card from the legend deck.

Kiskin Boughrunnerheroic

The Kiskin Boughrunner may do up to 3 combat moves. Each move must end on a square adjacent to one of your pieces.

Kiskin Leafsplitterheroic

Up to 2 times, you may choose a diagonal direction and destroy the first piece in that direction.

Kiskin Spiritheroic

You may choose a card from your discard pile and put it on top of your deck. If you do, or if your discard pile was empty, draw 1 extra card from your deck at the end of this turn.

Sylvan Princessheroic

You may convert 1 common enemy piece on a diagonally adjacent square to your common piece.

Sylvan Queenheroic

You may convert 1 non-legendary enemy piece on a diagonally adjacent square to your piece of the same rank.

Tree Shepherdheroic

Choose 1 of your pieces: if it is common, upgrade it; if it is heroic, it may do 1 combat move; if it is legendary, it may do 1 standard move.


Choose one: Either the Unicorn may do 1 combat move, or you gain 1 action.

Woodland Druidheroic

Upgrade 1 common piece of each color.


Angel of Deathlegendary

You may choose any 1 piece other than the Angel of Death: Upgrade it and then do a combat leap on its square with the Angel of Death.

Bone Catapultlegendary

You may choose any 1 piece in any of the indicated directions: Destroy it and all common pieces adjacent to it.

Earth Elementallegendary

Destroy a non-legendary piece on or adjacent to a red square. Then upgrade a common piece on or adjacent to a green square. Then the Earth Elemental may do 1 combat move to an adjacent red or green square.

Fire Dragonlegendary

Choose one of the indicated directions: Destroy all non-legendary pieces up to distance 2 in that direction and in both directions at 45 degrees to it.

Fire Elementallegendary

Destroy either all non-legendary enemy piece on all adjacent squares or all common enemy pieces up to distance 2.

Hell Bulllegendary

Choose any direction: The Hell Bull may do any number of combat moves in that direction. If it destroys a legendary piece, it stops.


Choose one: Either downgrade a connected group of up to 3 upgraded pieces or destroy a connected group of up to 4 common pieces. (A group may have multiple colors.)

Storm Elementallegendary

You may place 1 piece of your color on an empty square up to distance 3. With it, do up to 1 (if legendary), 3 (if heroic), or 5 (if common) combat moves in one direction. Then destroy it.

The Eldest Treelegendary

On up to 3 adjacent squares: if it has an enemy non-legendary piece, destroy it; if it has your common piece, upgrade it; if it is empty, place 1 common piece of your color there.

Time Elementallegendary

After this turn, take an extra turn (even if the end of the game has been triggered).


Destroy all orthogonally adjacent pieces and all non-legendary diagonally adjacent pieces. They do not count as pieces destroyed by you.

Two-Headed Dragonlegendary

You may upgrade 1 of the pieces used to summon the Two-Headed Dragon. If you do, you may destroy 1 heroic piece adjacent to the upgraded piece.


2 / 5flare
  • 2

    You may do 1 standard leap with 1 of your common pieces.

  • 5

    Gain an action.

3 / 4flare
  • 3

    Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square.

  • 4

    You may do 1 combat move or 2 standard moves, using your non-legendary pieces.

3 / 5flare
  • 3

    You may do up to 3 standard moves, using your common pieces.

  • 5

    Gain an action.

3 / 6flare
  • 3

    Do 1 standard move with one of your common pieces, or upgrade 1 of your common pieces.

  • 6

    Place 2 common pieces of your color on empty squares.

3 / 6flare
  • 3

    Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square.

  • 6

    Place 1 heroic piece of your color on any empty square.

4 / 4flare
  • 4

    Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square.

  • 4

    Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square.

4 / 4flare
  • 4

    Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square, or upgrade 1 of your common pieces.

  • 4

    You may do 1 combat leap with 1 of your common pieces.

4 / 5flare
  • 4

    Gain an action.

  • 5

    Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square.

4 / 5flare
  • 4

    Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square.

  • 5

    Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square, or convert 1 common enemy piece to your color.

4 / 6flare
  • 4

    Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square.

  • 6

    Upgrade 1 of your common pieces. Gain an action.

5 / 4flare
  • 5

    Place 1 heroic piece of your color on any empty square.

  • 4

    You may do 1 standard move and 1 combat move (in either order), using your common pieces.

5 / 5flare
  • 5

    Place 2 common pieces of your color on empty squares.

  • 5

    Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square.